We try to provide new bags for you every week!

As a general rule, we do not buy bags from private individuals. The effort required for authentication is simply too great. You can contact us via Instagram and send us pictures of the bag. You can always get a good tip about reselling from us!

We rate our bags on a scale of 1-10. A 10 means: top condition, as good as new.

Your order will arrive at your home within the next five working days!
We send our bags registered, which means receipt against signature. The shipping costs for this are CHF 9.- flat rate.

Of course!
Do you receive your order and something doesn't suit you? Then you can send your bag back within 5 days. As soon as the bag has arrived registered with us, we will pay you the entire amount
refund.Please note that we reserve the right to return goods for the following reasons

  • The product shows additional signs of wear.
  • The product was damaged during transport.

We work with long-standing partners who are absolute professionals in their field. These guarantee us the authenticity of all products in advance. But that's not enough for us: every bag, every bracelet and every ring is individually checked and authenticated by us. This means that every product passes through our hands and is carefully checked by us according to fixed criteria. We pay attention to the processing in general: How does the surface feel? Are all the seams straight? What brand are the zippers? We also check: Is the hardware authentic? Does the serial code match the bag? And much more. We also show you the respective serial number transparently in the video so that you have the opportunity to check it yourself!

Contact Secondhand

If you have any questions or suggestions, write to us directly via Instagram or contact us via our contact form.